Phytopahtological Diagnostic

Wide range of diagnostic platforms

Genetic identification of all types of plant pathogenic organisms

Diagnosis and management of stubborn and persistent diseases in glasshouses and in the field

Handling of all types of plant matrices, water, soil and surfaces

Diagnostics with high sensitivity, repeatability and specificity

Analyses by a scientific team

24 hr results turnaround times

Wide range of diagnostic platforms

Genetic identification of all types of plant pathogenic organisms

Diagnosis and management of stubborn and persistent diseases in glasshouses and in the field

Handling of all types of plant matrices, water, soil and surfaces

Diagnostics with high sensitivity, repeatability and specificity

Analyses by a scientific team

24 hr results turnaround times


  • Detection and identification of a particular plant pathogenic organism in an infected sample
  • Reliable detection of disease-causing pathogens in plant material, soil and water
  • Identification of strains, subspecies and pathovars of plant pathogens
  • Specific detection of live plant pathogenic organisms in infected plant, seed, water and substrates
  • Plant pathology analyses for plant import and export (fruits, roots, seeds, plants and substrates).
  • Detection of non-culturable or recalcitrant plant pathogens


  • Detection of all organisms present in an infected sample in a single analysis
  • Accurate diagnosis of complex and persistent diseases in the field or in the greenhouse
  • Research and advice in cases of health crises in agricultural or agri-food facilities.
  • Study and diagnosis of diseases of unknown aetiology
  • Recovery of infected varieties by combining diagnostic accuracy, sanitation to eliminate pathogens.
  • Analysis of pathogenic / beneficial microbiota balance prior to treatments or planting.


  • Detection of seed pathogens by indicator plant bioassays
  • Plant/pathogen interaction bioassays (antagonisms, susceptibility, tolerance or resistance)
  • Germination test and phytopathological seed analysis


  • Maintenance of plant material from third countries in quarantine
  • Certification of the absence of pathogens in imported and exported material to obtain the plant passport.
  • Phytosanitary advice on import and export of plant material


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Localización y contacto

Parc Científic Universitat de València, C/ Catedrático Agustín Escardino - 9, 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
Centralita: +34 960 059 146