ValGenetics is committed to the development of a 4.0 agriculture : professionalised, sustainable, healthy, competitive and profitable.
We assist our customers in obtaining high-quality agricultural, agri-food, and agri-biotechnological products that are nutritional, environmentally friendly, and completely safe.
Our research and development efforts are geared at producing high-value agricultural.

ValGenetics offers comprehensive plant health and plant genetics solutions.
We apply academic knowledge to create scientific solutions to critical requirements in the agricultural, agri-food, and biotechnology sectors.
We detect the agents that cause pernicious diseases, providing pathogen-free plant cultivation. We support the development of biostimulant products while also ensuring the genetic traceability of farmed kinds.

- We have a multidisciplinary scientific-technical team comprising plant pathologists, microbiologists, geneticists, in vitro plant tissue culture experts, and plant biotechnology experts.
- We create precise diagnostic technologies for the prevention and treatment of current and future diseases.
- We study pathogenic and beneficial bacteria in order to create effective and ecologically friendly biostimulants.
- We apply genetic improvement techniques to generate new nutritious plant varieties adapted to market tastes.
- To protect plant health, we are refining innovative approaches for in vitro plant tissue culture.
- To achieve Agriculture 4.0, we use omics technologies and bioinformatics analytic programs.
- We offer technical consulting services as well as the development of innovative initiatives.
- Innovative SME seal since 2016
- Business model recognized in the BioAnces program for Bioentrepreneurs (Genoma España, CEEI)
- Entity co-financed by the Instituto Valenciano de Finanzas (IVF), the Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE), the Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI, NEOTEC), the Empresa Nacional de Innovación (ENISA) and the European Social Fund through the Torres Quevedo programme (MICINN).
- Laboratory included in the Catalogue of food and environmental safety laboratories of the Conselleria de Sanitat, Direcció General de Salut Pública de la Generalitat Valenciana (GVA).
- Authorised facilities for testing or scientific activity with viruses, bacteria and quarantine fungi (Sanitat Vegetal, GVA)
- Authorised laboratory for phytopathological analysis of pathogens and pests present and quarantine pests harmful to crops (Sanitat Vegetal, GVA).
- Authorised laboratory for testing with present or quarantine organisms harmful to plants (Sanitat Vegetal, GVA).
- Official authorisation for the handling and contained use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) (Comité Oficial de Control de OMGs, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, GVA).
- Greenhouse space approved for quarantine station (Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Sanitat Vegetal, GVA)
- Company registered in the Register of Seed and Nursery Plant Suppliers and in the Register of Producers, Traders and Importers (Conselleria de Agricultura, Medioambiente, Cambio Climático y Desarrollo Rural, GVA).
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